round up

What to Cook in September

Posted September 9, 2017 by Stephanie
what to cook in september -

The mornings are starting to get a little bit chillier and the sun is starting to set earlier and earlier. There’s still a bunch of late summer produce at the store, but it’s also time to start thinking about soups and stews! September is one of my favorite months (hello birthday month!) because of all the tail end summer and early fall produce. In season, right now: apples, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, cherries, corn, eggplant, green beans, jalapeños, peaches, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes, and so many more. What are you guys looking forward to cooking in September?

Fun things to make in September:

mini puff pastry apple roses -
APPLES: puff pastry apple roses or a crispy gooey apple cheddar grilled cheese.

Easy Blueberry Pancake Recipe -
BLUEBERRIES: my favorite light and fluffy blueberry buttermilk pancakes or mini blueberry galettes.

jalapeno broccoli mac and cheese recipe -
BROCCOLI: super comforting creamy stovetop jalapeno broccoli mac and cheese or crispy cheesy broccoli cheddar tots.

crispy oven baked popcorn cauliflower with skinny ranch -
CAULIFLOWER: spicy sriracha roasted cauliflower or panko crusted oven baked popcorn cauliflower.

sparkling sangria recipe -
CHERRIES: cherry sparkling sangria for all your fall dinner parties or buttermilk waffles with bourbon cherry sauce for the mornings after.

miso corn soup recipe -
CORN: grilled corn with umami filled green onion oil or creamy miso corn soup.

honey garlic eggplant recipe -
EGGPLANT: oven roasted caramelized miso eggplant or a quick honey garlic eggplant stir fry.

avocado green bean fried rice -
GREEN BEANS: quick and easy green bean avocado fried rice or miso dijon green bean salad.

sliders with jalapeno burger sauce -
JALAPENOS: jalapeno burger sauce you can eat with everything or jalapeno salt and pepper shrimp.

PEACHES: peach melon burrata serrano salad or a perfectly peach pistachio caramel crumble.

mashed potatoes, soft coddled egg and toast recipe -
POTATOES: creamy mashed potatoes topped off with a soft coddled egg or shepherd’s pie with garlic cream cheese mashed potatoes.

pumpkin and pork cheesy stuffed shells recipe -
PUMPKIN: cheesy pumpkin and sausage stuffed shells or chocolate pumpkin pancakes. Lots of pumpkin recipes here!

easy kabocha soup with totoro egg in a hole recipe -
SQUASH: Creamy kabocha soup or hearty acorn squash breakfast pudding.

scoobi doo pasta with burrata and tomatoes -
TOMATOES: scooby doo pasta with tomatoes and basil or burrata and tomato zoodles.

Happy Cooking! Let me know what your September cooking plans include!


  1. ohmydrool that bowl of ramen… is that one of your recipes or did you get it somewhere, that looks phenomenal! My September cooking plans include butternut squash! It’s always exciting when I start seeing those little oblong squash back in the markets.

    Also woooohoo birthday month! It’s mine too on the 26th, when’s yours?

    1. Emily says:

      I’m looking for the header image recipe, too!

      1. Stephanie says:

        it’s from a restaurant! :( but i will be doing a ramen soon!

    2. Stephanie says:

      it’s on the tenth! happy birthday to you!! september babies rule :D

      as for the ramen, i don’t have a recipe bc it’s from a restaurant in maine :P but i will be doing a seasonal ramen soon!!

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