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How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs

Posted July 24, 2017 by Stephanie
How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs - www.iamafoodblog.com

How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs - www.iamafoodblog.com

How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs - www.iamafoodblog.com

How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs - www.iamafoodblog.com

How to Make the Easiest Ramen Eggs - www.iamafoodblog.com

We just got off of a sixteen hour ferry ride from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland. The ferry ride was surprisingly pleasant! We booked it last minute (we had a little mix up with dates) and ended up not getting a cabin but there were some comfy layback airplane-like seats so we spent most of our time there, interspersed with a dinner of bad (yet good) pizza and drinks at the lounge. There was a Newfoundland entertainer on board and both Mike and I were impressed at how long his set was. It was kind of fun because there were a bunch of young and old Newfies enthusiastically singing along to folk songs.

After disembarkment, a short drive into town, and a quick shower, Mike and I headed out to explore. We visited the local pub and had some fish and chips and wandered around the downtown. I got a local chocolate bar and we peeked into the axe and beer club, where you can have a drink and throw axes at targets. We kind of sort of wanted to throw axes, but their minimum was an hour and we didn’t really think we could throw axes for an hour, so we skipped out. On the way back to our car (which has made it all the way to St. John’s!) we passed by a little ramen shop, which reminded me of these ramen eggs!

We’ve had these photos for a while now but I just haven’t gotten around to posting this recipe. But now that I have, I hope you make these eggs, either for a quick snack, to up your instant ramen game, or maybe because you’re committing to a long ramen project.

Hope you have an egg-filled week!
xoxo steph

PS – You can definitely use the marinade more than once, just make sure to keep it in the fridge after making it and while soaking your eggs.

Ajitsuke Tamago: Japanese Soy Marinated Soft Boiled Eggs Recipe
makes 6 eggs

  • 1.5 cups dashi
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup mirin
  • 1/4 cup sake
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 6 eggs

In a liquid measuring cup, whisk together the dashi, soy, mirin, sake, and sugar. Set aside.

Cook your eggs to your preferred doneness. I like to boil a big pot of water until it hits a rolling boil, then I gently add eggs in, with a slotted spoon, straight from the fridge. The water should naturally reduce to a simmer, dropping with the addition of cold eggs. Maintain a simmer for 7 minutes, adjusting the heat down, if needed. You don’t want an intense boil, just a happy little simmer.

Remove the eggs from the hot water with the slotted spoon and immediately plunge into an ice bath to cool down. Peel the eggs: Gently tap the wide end of the egg on the countertop, then flip around and tap the pointed end. Gently  roll the egg and peel, under running water, if it helps. Dry the eggs off and place in the dashi soy mixture for a minimum of 1 hour. Remove from the marinade, and enjoy, either in ramen, or on its own.


  1. I always wondered how to make ramen eggs myself! I eat ramen out just for the eggs, but now I can make them myself :3 Thanks! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  2. no way! I’m a longtime reader from Corner Brook, Newfoundland so its great to hear that you’ve made your way through. if you find yourself here again, you have to stop in and visit our local sushi restaurant – Newfound Sushi. I know this is a high promise… but it’ll be some of the best sushi you’ve ever had. One of the top ten restaurants we have on the island, and it is seriously unreal. hope you enjoyed the rest of your trip!

  3. Erika Kwee says:

    Ohhh I always wondered why my eggs were never as good as the ones at the ramen shops!! You’re GENIUS. Also, Steph, real talk: how do you get such gorgeous vibrant action-y shots (like the first one with all the bubbles)? Do you think it’s the camera you use/the lens/the aperature??

    1. Stephanie says:

      thanks erika :) combo of fast shutter speed and flash!

  4. You have perfect timing I’m cooking ramen for friends this weekend and I wanted to make perfect eggs, this is the recipe I’ve been searching for

    1. Stephanie says:

      ooh please let me know how your ramen turns out!

  5. ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THAT EGG BOILING PHOTO? It’s the most beautiful photo I’ve ever seen. (And THANK YOU for this recipe!)xo

    1. Stephanie says:

      yay! i hope you make some soon!

  6. Shelley says:

    Can I just buy a print of that first picture please? :) These look incredible!

    1. Stephanie says:

      thank you so much shelley! :)

  7. I feel weirdly memorized by the bubbles and the way you shot the first photo. Would you ever consider doing a post about how you shoot your food?

    1. Stephanie says:

      ahh thank you! we have been meaning to but there’s always so much going on :) one day soon i hope!

      1. do it, do it, do it! *imagine that in a chant* but seriously, you know how some people get caught at work watching youtube, or reading reddit, or watching sports games? I get caught looking at your posts because of the photos. I promise to use that post to good use!!

  8. Heghineh says:

    My daughter loves eggs, so she would love this in her ramen! Thanks for this recipe :)

  9. Kathie says:

    Love your blog! Can you tell me where you got the glass pot in the first picture? My mom had one just like it when I was growing up and it brings back fond memories.

    1. Stephanie says:

      hi kathie, it’s this one! my mom gave me mine so i am nostalgic about it too. i love it more than one should love a pot ;)

  10. matt taylor says:

    wow I dont know it is so easy, thanks for posting this, gonna try this right away!

  11. vy says:

    reading this post got me thinking about your totoro eggs… will you ever show us how you did those?! KAWAII (*o*)

    1. Stephanie says:

      ahh! yes, i should do that soon! i have to shoot new pictures though!

  12. Alicia says:

    I’m a Newfie living in Malaysia and googled easiest ramen egg… what a pleasant surprise to find your blog!
    A great connection to home today! Thank you!

  13. Scott says:

    What type of sake?

    1. Stephanie says:

      just cooking sake, the kind you find a the asian grocery store :)

  14. Niki says:

    As a truck driver, the legal alcohol limit is 0.0% so I was wondering if I can replace the sake with something g else, this type food is new to me but looks amazing, so I’m not sure what to replace it with…. oh and, as others said before, beautiful pics ??

    1. Stephanie says:

      hi niki,
      you can just leave it out :)

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